you said move on, where do i go?

Candy Faith♥
♥surprises & Roses:)
St Hilda's Secondary School
13 may 1993
I'm a Christian
church:The City Church
our story begans on 240409<3 ilyy:)


© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

date: Wednesday, August 30, 2006
time:5:13 PM
hi.. i am not candy.. i am someone else... helping her to anyhow write.. waha..
todae went to sch at 8am..
got back my result and was unhappy about it because i fail 3 of all subject i take...
overall is still fail..haiz... got to study hard liao..
todae was kinda of boring for me... and i dunno why cause i am not her...
got to stay back for a stupid 2d animation workshop..and it end at about 2.35..
waste my precious time..waha...
after that i went to buy ice-cream with my friends and wait for the rain to stop...
went home to do my math file thingy.. (dunno do wat)

AC is so idiot, u noe why rite.. waha... kiddin oni..

now so sian.. ending here.. bye..

/ top

date: Tuesday, August 29, 2006
time:8:09 PM
while waiting for our art teacher.(1st period)
NOISY LVL high....when she come get scolded :(
chinese teacher today never come shiok haha...

mr philip lee period (guess i spelled his name correctly).
his lesson haha if naughty go outside
count fishes stupid...
then 2 guys kena..

P.E forgot to find out why volleyball is something like basketball
then must do push-up...forgot how many le...

after sch then hav volleyball training..
wow!today ended super early at about 5.30pm.
i was so surprise haha...

after that me jingwen and fang yi went to A1...
saw sini,sanche,ebenzer,jasmin and the rest...
mostly band members....

yeah guess thats 4 today...
yeah veri boring i know.

/ top

date: Monday, August 28, 2006
time:9:28 PM
today sch, as usual.
chinese yeahh.
chinese miss quah didn't come
then a werid weird teacher come take over as.
haha her voice super funny.

then lit watch edward sissor's hand
watch till so interesting mr wee
period is over so must off.haiz

english 2 period.
1st period check grammar test paper
then later mrs koh mark joleen,aliff and faiz
paper as they were absent that time.

while she is marking i was alsleep. she wants complete silences.

after sch went back home straight home.
then do my homework.
then fall alsleep.
after that me and my parents
went to outram park.
as my mum wanna buy somethings.
had our dinner there.
reach home bout 7.30plus.
what a day...haha.

/ top

date: Sunday, August 27, 2006
time:10:23 PM
today wake up at 9am.
eat breakfast.then went to the 293
bus stop then take bus 10 to katong conerstone.
went to there wah super pack wif ppl.

during service sit wif joey and evangline.
then a guy behind as laughters were
scary and funny...
thats why we all were laughing like siao.

after church service
hav ice cream wah so mani ppl
waiting.then we all decided to left.

so we went outside katong centre there.
eat chicken rice..
after that take bus 10 home....

reach home bout 6 plus 7.

a bad thing happen.
but shall not say it here.

shall stop posting here.

/ top

time:9:39 PM
hi, back to posting haha...
yest went to jb.
4 dinner.reach there bout 9 plus
all thanks to the motobikes.
wah the motobikes are like ants la
so many then ride so near to the cars.

when there go da ma eat.
eat vegetable,clayfish,pork ribs,
satay,kangkong cuttlefish,rice.
eat till super till feel like puking.

went to late didn't go shopping sad ):

after eating go pump oil.
then went back to causeway.

wah reach sg bout 12 plus.
super tired anytime can sleep...

so i went home faster go to toilet
faster bath le then sleep...
wat a tired saturday...

/ top

time:9:31 PM
Guess who?

Amanda Chong Sher Ryn!
Helpinggggggggggg candy tay post.
Bleaugh that lazy shit.

Mmm today she went to church with XXX. You know who :D
And and now she is in deep shit.

Candy is a very niceeeeeee girl.
My foot.

Tomorrow don't ditch me.

You better not.

Ah stopping here :D
Candy and _____ <3


/ top

date: Saturday, August 26, 2006
time:12:24 AM
today wore my old spects to sch look
so weird and feel so funny....
nvm bear wif it 4 1 more day
coz my spects will be ready by tmr.
i guess...

today science practical test.
was screwed up...haha...

math mr ng came to our class
to see.then lit mr wee again
never come so another teacher came. little ppl jump today...
haha joleen beside me i jump she give me
weird didnt jump much..

training starts at 2.30pm today.
then me and tess was playin ball.
after starts.
run 10 rounds,footwork
and do physical.

training end at bout 6.30
went to buy bubble tea....
waited so long la .....

lots of homework sia...
chinese compo
chinese spelling

tmr still need go sch...
kk shall stop postin here.
tmr need go sch sianz...
must sleep early =)

/ top

date: Thursday, August 24, 2006
time:7:29 PM
can u believe it.
i broke my spects in the middle of vb training
i am like a blind person la...
dam it i want CONTACT LENS....

kk today sch?
was ok as usual.
miss quah didn't came
mr lee and miss teo took over.

D&T was d&t it roxs.
today cut the shaped out
then tue will hav make up class.
coz our class is so called 'slow'
as we miss lesson because of common test and nation day

as for CME we must draw 4 big things in term 3.. sianz.
LUCKY mrs see didn't caught my hair haha...

shall stop posting here...

i want contact lens or new spects..
feel so weird without spects..

/ top

date: Wednesday, August 23, 2006
time:5:55 PM
back to posting haha...
juz came back. after sch went to
julianne house wif adaleen and amanda.c
played basketball using soccerball.

ok what hapen in sch?
forgot to bring math 1 and calcalutor.
need to write lines 1 page.
then science period waiting 4 mr yeoh to come
i write then mr yeoh saw and laugh
he ask who else need to do....

english do USSW haiz sian.
during recess kena caught by mrs see
my hair la haiz
sad la alwayz kena caught :(

chinese we did the zuo ye
then must do compo as hw.
HAte to do compo.

PW forgot to bring my PW bk
again is already like 3 weeks
alwayz forgot haiz
then miss lum was so kind
she said this is the last chance:)
thought i would get beta form.
PW must present the story
then the class must guess the moral.

Sch should end at 1.45pm de
but the teacher nag and nag
till 2 plus then dismiss haiz.

later still hav guitar class
and must go meet joleen as she is sick
need to pass me her bk...
HOpe she recover soon:)

oh yeah then rite amanda.c
blog must be perfect english...


dam it.just now at
julianne house play game kena draw...
julianne can't imagine how can u kena
draw till so much haha...

ok will stop posting here...
as nth to write le haha...
shall post tmr again....


/ top

date: Monday, August 21, 2006
time:2:58 PM
today went to sch..
boys briage won the gold award then
they must march up to take the thing la...
after that went back to class. quite noisy class.

miss felica tan was sick i guess she did not come today.
so our math lesson was the other miss tan take over as.
we did questions from the math textbook section A and B.

Recess today so boring so little ppl.
haha then after recess was lit.
mr wee dunno what happen
i think never come ar.
last lesson we watch the
Edward scissor hand
then today we must write and guess what is
endin story...

ENglish wah super bored.
talk bout the story in the story
nearly fell alsleep.

CHinese oh yeah the 4 circle thingy.
drew a panda. then miss quah say
what must draw some baby panda and
what it eat haizzz. sian la...

after sch come home straight away...
shall stop postin here...

/ top

date: Sunday, August 20, 2006
time:7:24 PM
back to posting again...

today woke up at 8.30am cause wanted to go city harvest
then in e end jasmin PS me she couldn't come..
so i went there there with out jasmin.
i went wif aaron as he promise me that he would go

the service ended at 12.30pm today
the speaker is a americian speaker i guess...
need to go at i told april and she
ask me to stay but i couldn't sry april..

walking out at 12pm so pai seh
everyone was like looking at us...
after leaving city harvest
we went to cornerstone.
reach there abit late i guess.
the service end bout 3 plus...
after that took a bus to tm..

went to eat long john silver.
after that went to play arcade.
then went home...
juz reach home...TIRED.

still must do the chinese hw
4 circle draw out something
super diao!!!

kk stop posting here....

/ top

date: Saturday, August 19, 2006
time:1:38 AM
sianz what to post today.
kk today was boring...
kena so called warning
by miss tan coz i change place without asking permission... back history paper fail by 2 and a half mark.. 2 subject...
today homeroom go to the hall then they talk
bout those needy children.after that was chapel period
IN THE HALL....haiz in the chapel more fun haha...
today only a guitar no bass no drums..quite boring..

after chapel eat le then go VB training as usual.
dun feel like going...but went.'wah' sun super hot today.
training ends at 6.30plus today...
sianz now so bored nth to do...
shall stop posting here as there is nth to say le....

/ top

title: get back chinese results.
date: Thursday, August 17, 2006
time:7:49 PM
sch?super boring today.
math falling alsleep then
english after doing the compo test
fell alsleep haha...
after eng was D&T i am the slowest la
coz miss a lesson that time sick haiz sian.
volleyball training?
ok loh as usual....after training went to A1
wif jingwen and yong hwei
meet jasmin there...
haha jasmin why _________
never go...haha sad la...
DAM IT fail a subject as usual
CHINESE haiz...sian...
shall stop posting here haha...
nth to post le..

/ top

title: sch was bored.
date: Wednesday, August 16, 2006
time:3:14 PM
today sch was so bored.
went 4 morning service after
morning service went to buy h20..
super bored then today music
kena call to do the stupid counting of beats...
then english mrs koh talk out left how many week
more to the mid year must study...
ARGhhh today forgot to bring my project work book.
haizzzz math learn bout angles.
after sch go to canteen help joleen copy the chinese textbk..
then went back on the way out saw bryan and say kiat
so went to mac to eat wif them...
at mac saw amanda chong there all....
sianz come back nth to do...
nth to post le shall stop posting here...

/ top

title: when to A after vb training wif Ahhhhh!
date: Tuesday, August 15, 2006
time:10:10 PM
back to posting again.
haha...erm today went to sch..
the most fun part is erm is P.E
played SOFT volleyball..
then english quite sian
we did the grammar worksheet
mrs koh read out all e question
so bored half-way asleep...
then science was ok...
we went to the science lab...
then after sch hav vb training...
today vb training we did erm
warm up and run as usual.
then later do figure 8
3 persons did wif jingwen and yong hwei.
then later did passing wif my senior.
service then went down to the outdoor court
main 6 played we serve.
training end bout 6 .30pm plus.
time pass quiet fast today.
after that went to A1
met some shss band members and
some of them were my friends to.
after tat went home.
eat then kena went downstairs wif
my sis...haha now feeling so tired
haha and also sprain my finger yest.
today is a super tired day..
alright will stop writing here..

/ top

date: Monday, August 14, 2006
time:8:50 PM
just came back wah super tired.
after sch went home wif jingwen
eat then change..plan to played basketball..
me and jingwen and cookie(a dog)
went downstairs jingwen wanted to drink
milo we went to the india shop..
then also meet aaron and go play basketball..
after that jingwen need to go tm for some reason
not going to say haha...
so me him and aaron went to the basketball court
wah so mani ppl...

cheng yong

haha we also played volleyball using basketball
play till so shiok..
haha.. super thirsty drink 2 bottle of drinks
now super tired
but it is also quite fun
DAM it addicted to basketball

/ top

time:8:41 PM
what happen yest?
erm kk came online nth to do.
home alone
jio amanda go out dun one go..
so at msn talk to darren and amanda
played truth and dare..
evil darren...
later get bored of playing the com
so i watch the korean drama
princess hour...
watch half-way my sis came back
then we decided to watch click
the 9.50pm time slot watch till
bout 12plus
came back copy out something
from my com as my com run out of ink.
counted only left 5hours and 30 mins to sleep:(

/ top

time:8:18 PM
sry long never post le
hope u will not be upset:)
k let me reacall what i do...
oh on sat which is 12 of this month
it is BERLINDA birthday..
she had a birthday party at pinevale
a was and carrisa and bryan
meet early at 11 and went to tm to buy her present
and also take neoprint haha...when we reach there
it was so fun haha we played basketball like siao
and some ppl went swiming and some ppl
was kena push in the pool haha poor thing.
they play like siao and also they were not
allow to get in the pool wif there clothes on.
till the secruity guard came to tell ask all go back to the bbq pit.
then we eat and played basketball again.
It was time to cut cake.we sang berlinda
a birthday song and eat the cake....
haizzz no1 smash cake on her face
haha lucky sia...i think thats all
4 saturday.

/ top

title: fireworks
date: Thursday, August 10, 2006
time:11:38 AM

yest was fun..
yest me, berlinda,joleen, muhamin,carissa and vanessa oh

decided to watch e fireworks at kallang..
waited 4 vanessa oh so long at tampines mac..
then took e MRT to kallang to watch e fireworks...
went we reach kallang..
berlinda bro decided to come
so we waited 4 him at the mrt outside.
after he came we walk to the so called

Beach to watch e fireworks.
we all sat at grass and watch
it was so nice. a perfect view.
after the NDY ended...
we went to safra wif them and aaron...
waited 4 him at the mrt outside there super long.
then we took the bus to safra....
reach there we all played dart,pool and some of them played bowling.
left e safra bout 11 plus.
took e bus home wif joleen.
reach home thought will kena scolded by my mother
but come home didn't get as much scolding as i though..
miss the beautiful fireworks, pool and the dart.

thats a unclear pic of e fireworks...

/ top

title: aliff's chalet.
date: Tuesday, August 08, 2006
time:11:39 PM
today went to sch most of e ppl wore red as it is the national eve.
in the morning the courtyard was quite wet then we all must remain standing.

"waiting for the national athemn to start its taking FOREVER"
as they must do the marching thingy.
after taking the nation athemn
our teacher also talk about nation's freedom.
then after bout 8am plus we go to the hall
then must sing along wif mrs see..
then the concert items are:
bb band, 1D, Hildan Superstars, Indian Dance & BreakDancing
haha nicest is still breakdance i guess....
after bout 9plus went back to classroom
then took some pictures wif 1c

also played who wants to be a millionare
haha the questions are all bout singapore.
after sch ended bout 10 plus
went home
fell asleep woke up at 1pm
went 4 vb training super tired...
after that me, vanessa and joleen
went to our classmate aliff chalet.

reach there then vanessa kena spray
by the gun containing hot cofee
kena spray also abit so sick la gross!
after that quite afew of them went home.
then we played truth or dare 4 awhile
wif joleen,berlinda,carissa,aliff,junyang,
bryan,ebenzer and muhamin guess is all..
after playing 4 awhile so bored so we went out to
eat some food haha...
then went to the playground only
sean,junyang,joleen,vanessa,carissa went
then so scary Joleen. tokin to carissa bout
joleen then she suddenly appear behind me
then i scream then she laugh laugh laugh...

as it was the first time she saw me stream haha.

it was quite late at that time bout 10pm
then carissa called her sister to drive as back
then got 6 person plus carissa.
so we ask her to drop as at tm there.
then we took 293 back home..
so tired and smelly
after training and also the stupid cofee.
so i quickly bath went i got home haha..
what a tired but fun day..
and the happiest thing is that
tml and thurs no sch horay!

ps:happy birthday singapore...(:

/ top

date: Monday, August 07, 2006
time:3:38 PM
so boring went back to class 1C
happy haha no need climb stairs le haha...
today last 2 period is english so boring...
mrs koh come in suddenly say class test wah sian.
i do finish my class test.
then i fall asleep veri tired lack of sleep...
need to stay back 4 the chinese dictionary...

chinese lesson today listen to the national day song chinese de..
then sing english de kena scolding haizzz...
so bored nth to do now...
tml must wear red top....
tml vb training at 2pm.

haha nth to write le i shall stop here.. :)

/ top

date: Sunday, August 06, 2006
time:7:22 PM
just came went to woodland causeway point
then went shopping bought 2 knee length shorts from lip zone.
then went tampines mall to hav my dinner..
sianz.. tml is monday need go sch again haiz.
but tml going back to 1c classroom FINALLY!
guess what?i am now addicted to a new game audition
it rawks!go play everyone haha.

yest the superband finals MIP won haiz...
soul didn't won...

HoPe TmL nO tEsT PaPeR wIlL Be GiVeN BaCk..:)

Go play audition everyone audition RAWKS!

/ top

title: went to superband finals.
time:12:37 AM

wah tired...
just came back went to e concert superband final
wah stand 4 3 hours went wif my cousins and bernerd.
then left wif 2 team soul and the other 3 words in chinese de forget le

hope soul win haha...
soul dance, sing and e guys quite gd looking also haha
then watch till they all 2 team sing the last song
we all go off le coz tired and lazy..

who got watch?
who win?those who watch please tell me...


/ top

date: Friday, August 04, 2006
time:8:14 PM
back to posting yay! common test over FREEDOM!
haha carefree no stress...

today volleyball training resume wah very tired le..
10 rounds round the vb court as usual..
training started late and also ended late end bout 6.50pm.
sian kena injured cause of the vb ball
eye lid bleed juz now...
now super pain sia..

very tired now but happy cause:
no common test le can relax le :p
weekend tml no sch can hav 11 hrs of sleep yay!
haha so pig!!!
dunno what to write le..
oh yeah national day on wed no sch yay!
then tue go sch confrim can see sg flag...(haha)

and also mon go back to my house(1c)
haha monday scared sia.skali mon get back all e common test paper...
teacher teacher give as our paper later haha...

ok stop posting here...

wish all e best for those who just finish their common test
enjoy their weekend and also..
pass wif flying colour...:)

/ top

date: Thursday, August 03, 2006
time:8:20 PM
just brought Jasmin down to e bus stop.
today, after sch went mac wif
amanda chong,amanda teo,jovy,jasmin,julianne and Humji(created by amanda)
then all e ppl leave onli left jovy, jasmin and humji haha..
then went to A1..

after that ask jasmin go my house study..
she taught me maths
algebra my worst topic haha...
then so bored so when to my blog act chenar...
JASMIN so like acting cherna hor...
haha eat my chocolate..
next time come my house teach me la
then can eat choclolate again haha...

haha kk jasmin,
i try to be extra super careful of e math paper

haha jasmin,
ii lurbb euxx wors!
kena influence by u argh!

/ top

time:7:03 PM
jasmiin heriie wors .
canddiie dunchh n0e h0w tuhh readiie nehhs .
g0iing h0miie at aroundd 7pluss nehs
canddiie n0w .
t0dae we diid algebra wors
sh0 diifiicult siiax .
wahxx jasmiin sho cheee naaar
eatiee sho muchiii ch0c0late worrs

alright here we go!
(acting as cheenar depressed people)

ii lurbb euxx wors!
ii miiss euxx .
wenn wiill euxx c0me backk tuhh miie?
ii amm sh0 depressedd n0w nehs .
ii wantt euxx heriie wiib miie
butt whhy hab euxx g0t tuhh breakk miie heartt
whhy mustt euxx bettray miie ?
ii feel sh0 hurtt now .
liife wiith0ut euxx sucks nehs .
ii cantt liive an0therr dae wiithout euxx
pleashh c0me backk tuhh miie .
ii realli euxx wors.

ii lurbb miie jiie meiis worx
theii r0ck miie s0cks!

995 gang]]

we(jasmin and candy) had fun being cheenar!(:

we rock!

/ top

date: Wednesday, August 02, 2006
time:3:26 PM
back to posting blogs haha...ok today was boring..sch starts at 8.30am after that we had our science paper quite difficult.then recess till 10.45 then we take our history paper.history was ok average...
after that was our math period haizzz forgot to bring my balachan bk...
then it was english haha forgot to bring my ussw bk...then it was PW forgot to bring my booklet haizz so unlucky today sia.
tml die le 3 paper in 1 day tml is lit, chinese and geo...
chinese die le...
music homework bryan,junyang and rachel do lehz..


btw wish all those taking their common test
pass wif flying colour..:P

/ top