you said move on, where do i go?

Candy Faith♥
♥surprises & Roses:)
St Hilda's Secondary School
13 may 1993
I'm a Christian
church:The City Church
our story begans on 240409<3 ilyy:)


© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

date: Friday, September 28, 2007
time:4:28 PM
today woke up early in the morning!
force myself go school.
as my eyes are swollen,was so super tired.

on the way to school saw taferine...
walk to school with her but throughout the walking,
talk to her only like 5 words....

today got maths test...
it was ok la!not really tat difficult.
felica tan super baised la!
aiya forget it!
she wan be then let her be anyway next year byebye le.

forcing myself to LIKE maths but DISLIKE the teacher.

yest got back my geo test gt 10/15.
did lit test today got 14/30.
romeo and juliet!!!!

chinese listening compre today.
got 12/20.
10% counted in EOY.
after doing the listening compre just dozz off!

after school went to eat with shae.
me and shae was talking!
talk all the way...
from classmates to cell grp to cell multiply!
then jerome and jess came along!

haiz!______ getting more and more boring lah!
how how how???

tmr cell at Jerome's house...

i'm going to sleep till very very late tmr!
i'm super tired!
any moment of the day,i can just dozz off!
every morning eyes like panda
no matter hw many hours of sleep.
study awhile then my eyes super pain and
flu at times!!!

haiz,shall end here...
going to study my history now!
my A1 for HISTORY!!!!

am i stressed/tense up???

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date: Thursday, September 27, 2007
time:8:53 PM
today,after school went to tm with shae and vanessa.
went to eat long john silver.
then bk and jessica came to join us!

after eating,studied!
study my history abt malaysia and sg merge!
ask bk and vanessa test me they fustrated la!
cos alot dunno the ans...

came home at abt 6plus.
home alone again!
just love the feeling:)

use com then studied for my history awhile!
tmr going to chiong my history and science!

science 13 chps oh man!
dun understand so many things!

i must get 60 and above for all my subject expect chinese.

here's the class pic!

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date: Sunday, September 23, 2007
time:10:10 PM
its been a long time since i blog...
while,have been home late this few days.
friday reach home at 11.30pm.
sat reach home at ard 10.05pm
sun which is today reach home at 9.30pm...
was so super tired!!!

start from friday,after school came home
then sleep...after tat went to tamp inter
then went to church for the special event.
was fun but reach there alittle late.
after the service went to katong laska.
but i didnt eat..
then took cab with shae,jerome and james.
reach home at 11.30plus.

saturday was zone meeting wif zone 4 & zone 3
went to inter meet
then took 10 to church.
me and shae wore blouse and skinny jeans.
look so super weird la!
after tat went to eat at the dunno what coffeeshop?.
then walk all the way parkway took 15.
reach home at abt 10pm.

as for today,meet jessica like 30mins late.
reach church they went to katong eat chicken rice.
then went up the katong help them with the card.
my cell is making abt 1000 cards to give SHSS!
to encourage them...

then went to church service.
after tat me,shae and bk went to find janice.
she teach us study then half way bk went off.
after studying,went to katong find them.
help them out till 7.45pm...

then took weizheng's car to jerome's house.
help them with the packings of the card and sweets!
leave his house at 9.15pm cos dun wanna go home so late!

tmr having my english paper!
after eng paper have maths remedial
which end at 1.15pm.
and now,i'm so super tired!
guess goin to have a headache soon....

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date: Wednesday, September 19, 2007
time:8:48 PM
my computer is like so freaking chaotic today lah!
keep on dc!damn irritated!

dunno whats happening nowadays!
ever since my dad started work,
he like dunno what happen la!
abit of things only make so much noisy!
then everynight my parents confirm got so
small quarrels then awhile later ok already.

ok anyway,yest after school went wif shae to tm KFC!
went to study wif shae and bk.
then came home!

today went to school as usual...
after school didnt have history remedial.
so went to eat with jessica and shae.
then bk ask me pei him go trudy's house study but rejected him.
cos didnt feel like going!
and also my mood today not really good!

came home bath,use com then studied for my science
as there is science test tmr!
i have been studying everyday since this week:)
but for a short while only..
like maybe 1-2 hours:(

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date: Monday, September 17, 2007
time:10:28 PM
went to school today.
school was usual..
Mr Christopher wee is back...

during PE played floor ball..
i was super hyper today...

geo did test lucky i did study for the chapter:)
got back my art..i got 12/20...
stupid sia! the ugliest she put there fanstastic...

after school needa stay back for 30 mins for maths remedial.
ms Felicia tan face like shit la!
went up to her ask her hw to do the ques.
then her face like buay song!
Idiotic la!teacher big ar?
stayed back 30 mins just to do all the algebra ques on the whiteboard.

after school went down to canteen with vanessa.
went to eat wif tafe,vanessa and shae.
actually plan to study with tafe and vans
under my the end Ps them..sorry...
cos just felt like going home use com...

so reach home use com,bath then started studying!
did my maths and also see my maths textbook...
did my assement book as usual...
got 38.5/49 surpose to be over 60 but minus those i dunno hw to do....

school tomorrow again....

7 more days to english paper...
14 more days to my exams till 09/10.
then 10/10/07 NO SCHOOL!

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date: Sunday, September 16, 2007
time:9:54 PM
yest night,studied 2 chps of my Geo.
and my mother was super naggy..
nag all the way and i get so frustrated...

today woke up at 10am.
bath eat then get out of the house go church.
on the bus,coincidentally met tafe.
reach church at abt 12.15pm.
went katong find the rest then went to church.

was a great day at church:D
when i step in the church was feeling kinda sad,moodless.
then during P&W felt God presence.
pastor nicky preach today.
after tat have altar God...
didnt went down till the last altar call...
went i go down i started weeping like instantly...
felt God's presence and also God spoke to me...
was a great day:D

after tat went Katong eat again.
then went to olive to find eunice.
pei eunice and cons while they ate at hua li xuan.
after tat,me,shae and stanley took weizheng's car.
actually she wanted to drop us at temasak sec
then was raining heavily so she send us to TM instead.
Thanks weizheng:)

reach home abt at 8pm.
tmr mon sch...
must chiong studying le..
starting frm tmr!
everyday must study!

[[matthew 6:33]]:D

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date: Saturday, September 15, 2007
time:9:25 PM
woke up first thing got scoldings frm my mother.
like wth!ask her thing properly dun even know how to ans
is freaking annoying la!

after tat she left for work.
then i sit cab wif my sis to william's house for cell grp.
cell was great.hyper today:)
after cell went to eat with the cell.
then walk home.

came home use com parents scold!
damn it la!
bad mood all the way.
study study study!
exams exams exams!
hate it lah!
how i wish tat there is no exams.
scoldings every moment i see them.
and even if i did study,would i be able to absorb?
do i know where to start from?
would they stop nagging,scolding me?
24/09/07 my english paper.
then my other paper!
i'm just so freaking dead!!!!

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date: Friday, September 14, 2007
time:8:37 PM
its been a long time since i blog...
getting lazy to blog already....

school is alright nowadays.
mr christopher wee had ugent leave.
and all my lit and eng is all relief teacher.
kinda sian.cos exams coming and yet he's not here.

exams coming!
and my maths is like a pile of SHIT!
i totally forget all the stupid formula.
cant even do my assement bk properly.

anyway,today after school went with shae to tm.
was drench in the rain while boarding the bus.
went to tm foodcourt eat with ynez,jessica and shae.
after eating,walk around then went home.
was so super sleepy!
then 4.45pm abt there went to sleep.
then my annoying sis came to disturb me super annoying la
then i shouted at her then she say i love disturbing ppl.
then i was like GO AND DIE LA!

tmr before cell have prayer meeting at 2pm.
i think i would go for prayer meeting la.
and also my top ear hole close already...
my skin is also starting to peel....

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date: Monday, September 10, 2007
time:6:11 PM
today after school went to KFC eat with shae...
after tat just felt like going Big Book shop buy assement bk.
me and shae bought a maths assesment bk each.
was my first time in my whole entire life bought
myself an assement book to do!

sat at Mac to study!
i did paper 1 was alright but i gt 35/60 super lousy la!
then paper 2 it was super damn diffcult la!
i really needa buck up!

3 more weeks to exams
21 days minus weekends cell grp and church
i'm left with 15 days.
and i'm taking 7 subject.
time really past super fast!

i'm just so STRESSED UP!
i need:
understanding to understand what i'm studying!
wisdom to do well and study hard!
patience to study slowly and aborb what i'm studying!
hyperness to cover my sleepyness!

after studying,went home!
reach home at abt 5plus bath then use com!
tmr i guess i'll not be going teserse house to swim and study!
i'm going to start studying!!!

Study study study!
i needa pass all my subject 60 and above excluding chinese!
i finally know the importances of studying!

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date: Saturday, September 08, 2007
time:11:07 PM
woke up at 8am.
went to meet shae and jess after eating breakfast at mac,
headed off to sentosa.

sat the train in at vivo so super cool and nice la..
apply sun tan oil then went into the water to play.
till the rest came.
played game and stuff..

during the game captian's ball.
snatch the ball to hard till my finger got a cut...
but still, i had FUN:D
after tat went vivo the hotdog dunno what eat.
then came home.

now,i'm so red like lobster.
black like indian maybe.
and it hurts...

heres the pic we took...

candid shots in the train going home.
me,shae& jess in the train on the way to sentosa...

me and eunice.
me and eunice again.
me,eunice and shae poking her stomach...
me and jessica mirror image.
me and jessica:)

jess,shae and me just bath finish.
jess,shae,me and terese.
me and jess hair so wet...
me and wei zheng.
me and jingyi so dark....

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date: Thursday, September 06, 2007
time:11:15 PM
went jeshere's chalet today...
during the bbq i already sad/not happy.
and the ending was even worst!

first person just walk off and then sms me she's find when her
facial expression doesnt even seems ok.
second person just attitude me and cant even compromise.
leading me to take cab home alone...

me and shae's first plan to sentosa this sat is all RUIN!
we tried and put in all the effort,
but yet,quite a number of ppl couldnt make it.
and also,they wanna meet so late.
just so pissed and upset.
simply feel like cancelling the whole plan!

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date: Tuesday, September 04, 2007
time:8:06 PM
yest stayed at home all day till abt 3plus.
then went to William's house study..
then came home for dinner, watch tv,use com...

today kenda wake up at 10plus.
cos my sis took the bolster whack me..
accompany my sis to see doctor take MC.
went to tm meet my parents.
headed off to city hall go the dunno what hotel eat buffet.

after eating,went to suntec city go to the NUM shop.
wanted to buy the slipper whole thing orange dun have.
whole thing red dun have my size.
so bought the white colour de $49.90.
got hell scoldings from my parents.
they scold me i also no mood to say anything...

went to arcade with my sis and her bf played the
catch soft toy thingy spent $15 not even a single one we catch la!
went carefour awhile.

then took 518 home...
having slight headache now...

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date: Sunday, September 02, 2007
time:9:34 AM
yest went to liu yan's house slack awhile.
then have prayer meeting for a short while.
after tat was cell grp.
weizheng shared abt the ireach the last 2 lesson.
yay!no more ireach sharing le...

next week will be cell outing!
sentosa!go there get sun burn:D
after cell,slack around.
sat at the kitchen me and shae started talking.
then ltr we both with jason and weizheng started to talk...
after cell went cs eat our dinner.
after tat me,shae,jess,vanessa,jerome and jonathan
went to cs arcade was so pack wif ppl and no nice game to play.

jonathan went off then we all went to tm
go repair my watch then go play arcade.
played spots the differences and others.
now my watch looks so weird.
strap so striking then the watch so dull...
after tat took 293 home.
reach home at abt 10plus..

as for today,slept at 1am.
couldnt get to slp till 1.30am..
woke up at 7.15am go back to slp
then woke up at 8am.
went downstairs buy breakfast for everyone in the house.

going church later.

holidays but yet....

haiz!sadness is in me.
nth will change it around.
i just knew that there will be this day again:'(

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